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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 37% | Distinguished Reading: 23% | Proficient Math: 21% | Distinguished Math: 15%

Tutoring & Extra-Instruction

Belfry High School offers extensive training on skills and concepts that students may have trouble grasping at first-go. 

The official tutoring schedule for maths is as follows:

After school from the hours of 3:15 pm to 4:00 pm

  • Monday- Lora McCoy
  • Tuesday- Stephanie Younger
  • Wednesday- Linda Farley
  • Thursday- Ginni Bowen

The science schedule:

After school

  • Monday- Ward
  • Tuesday- Tamela Fite
  • Wednesday- Greg Prater
  • Thursday- Doc. Chandran

Aside from these tutoring days, the National Honor Society chapter of Belfry High School offers peer-on-peer tutoring on most every Thursday directly after school. Students interested should report to Ms. Ginni Bowen's room directly after school. If an interested student does not have a ride home, an extracurricular bus is available every Thursday afternoon to accommodate. 

Every Monday and Thursday, credit recovery is offered after school for students who qualify. 

Other information such as room numbers can be found on the pages posted around the school. Anything more can be discussed with willing teachers.